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i2a istituto internazionale di architettura

positions in space 14


i2a istituto internazionale di architettura in Vico Morcote will present

Wednesday 26 September 2012 at 7 pm a new installation entitled Let’s call the whole thing off  by the artist Fabrizio Giannini who will be taking possession of the exhibition gallery. Giannini’s work is the 14th event of the positions in space

series – the cycle entrusted alternately to architects and artists.

Today’s world lives to the fullest the sense of progress thanks to the new technologies of consumer electronics. However, this might be occurring for the first time in an environment imbued in a crisis atmosphere. Fabrizio Giannini reflects on ambiguity and meaning of images that surround us, bringing the spectator to discover new aspects of these, at times mysterious or slightly worrying.

The installation’s title is a direct quotation of a song written by Gershwin, notoriously performed by Louis Armstrong. The title’s literal meaning is complemented by the clear reference in to call off to the way things are named. The song’s lyrics are a play on the pronunciations (English "potato" vs American "potato"): people with different accents (like the Greek one and the Italian one) have in common the need to eat and to overcome the crisis.

Giannini uses therefore a simple, yet useful in crisis conditions, vegetable like the potato. Its sprouts are a sign of the living beings’ capacity to reproduce themselves and transmit their own genome; they are also "objects" of great aesthetic power, to the extent of seeming synthetic and unnatural.

On the occasion of the


,Riccardo Lisi, curator and contemporary art critic, but also director of the rada – contemporary art space in Locarno, will be presenting Giannini’s installation.

This will be followed by a conference in English and projections by Andreas Angelidakis, utopian architect, artist and designer, based in Athens, who will be concentrating on the relationships between real and virtual, art and architecture, ruin and construction.

The installation can be visited daily in i2a’s ground floor gallery (Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 8 pm, free admittance) until the 


scheduled Wednesday 24 October 2012 at 8.30 pm during which Laura Solari and Stéphane Robert of Edizioni Dasein (Paris/Lugano) will hold a conference.

The events will be broadcast via live streaming on

With the support of the SWISSLOS Fund of the Repubblica e Cantone Ticino.

i2a istituto internazionale di architettura
Portich da Sura 18 . 6921 Vico Morcote . Svizzera
Amanda Prada . responsabile comunicazione, pubbliche relazioni, sviluppo
t 0041 91 996 13 87 . f 0041 91 996 24 21 . This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Con il sostegno della Repubblica e Cantone Ticino - Fondo SWISSLOS

See details in attachment.

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press release
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